SSR Degree College - Library
The college library has a vast collection of texts and general books, journals, online databases to cater to the needs of both UG and PG students. Separate sections for General, Reference books, Journals and Periodicals, Magazines are provided along with free Net browsing facility to access the online databases and academic information.
No. of Volumes
No. of Titles
No. of Journals
Special Features of the Library
- Open access, need-based acquisition
- Library automation through New Gen Lib software.
- Bar-coded issue/ return system
- Digital library using open source software
- CCTV surveillance camera
- Online access books using DELNET
- Wi-Fi enabled reading corner
- Reorganizing and restructuring the library counter
- Other infrastructural facilities like tables, new arrivals, display rack, and notice boards.
- Policy for procurement of books and journals and other library reading material.
- Allocation of appropriate amount of budget and spending on books, journals as per requirements.
- Channelize various library activities and strategy formulation.
- Make suggestion for improving the quality of library services.
- Finalize proposal received from the librarian for maintenance and development of library.
- Working days – From 9:00am to 5:00pm before examination days 8:00am to 8:00pm vacation day 9:00am to 5:00pm
- The fully automated library with New General Library - Integrated automation is a repository of 8520 volumes.
- 8 National Journals, 10 Magazines, 3519, Titles.
- 10 Newspapers subscribed.
- Reading Room facility
- The Library is networked with DELNET & INFLIBNET
- Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
The Library of S.S.R. Degree is well enriched with latest textbooks, Reference books and Standard journals in all subjects. The Library provides facilities of Daily News Papers in Telugu and English, besides various competitive and useful magazines. It also provides a Spacious reading room facility for enthusiastic readers. The library of the College also Issues textbooks for each student.

For UG courses there are 1595 Titles including 6600 Volumes and 1595 Reference Books.
For PG courses there are 110 Titles including 396 Volumes and 110 Reference Books.

Journals and Magazines – 28
All leading daily newspapers in English & Telugu