SSR Degree College - Strategic Plan 2021-26

Sri Sai Raghavendra Degree& PG College Srinivasa was established in the year 1993 and located in the nearby Nizamabad Town the main motto was to provide higher education to students Nizamabad& surrounding Villages

This institute is dedicated to transforming the dreams of students and in translating their vision of education into reality.


Empower the students through quality education by providing a conducive learning environment and make a transformational impact on students’ lives and society.


M1: Imbibe required skills, knowledge, and attitude to the students to enable them to
succeed in life
M2: Provide quality and affordable education to all segments of the society
M3: Create a conducive learning environment, which is enjoyable and rewarding
M4: Contribute to solve local and global societal problems by inculcating moral, spiritual, and social values among students



1.      To Support Weak Students s

a)      At Entry Level

b)      SC/ST/OBC

c)      Throughout 3 Years of study

  • Development of standards test in(i) Physics (ii) Chemistry, (iii) Mathematics and (iv) English
  • Conduct the standard tests on the entry level students in the first week of their joining the institution.
  • Assess competency levels and decide the course of competency levels and decide the course of action for remaining strategic objectives for all four years of study. i.e. taking care of weak students after first year in core areas (keep a record of how many weak students are helped that belong to disadvantaged groups I,e. taking care of weak students after first year in core areas (Keep a record of how many weak students are helped that belong be disadvantaged groups i.e. SC/ST/ OBC or BC ) Or women.
  • Identify teachers willing to support weak students during extra hours of the institution.
  • Identify academically sound good scoring senior students from seventh to eighth semester students willing to accept teaching fellowships to support weak students during extra hours of the institutions
  • If internet sources are not sufficient, engage individual teachers from outside the institution on part time basic or invite a group having expertise in supporting weak students.
  • Through training provide input to identified faculty/ senior students on how to help students and motivate them to improve their performance.
  • Device a scheme to reward the teacher
    (Extra Remuneration) senior students (Teaching Fellowships) for external support – individual or agency appropriate remuneration to be fixed prepare a timetable for extra coaching classes in the morning/ evening.
  • Identify classrooms where extra classes will be held
  • Assign teacher loads to the faculty and senior students identified
  • Announce the weak students support schedule to all the students (Don’t label weak students) Program should be announced for all interested students.
  • Maintain attendance record, internal examination schedule and monitor performance of the students.
  • Counsel the weak students where necessary.
  • Develop formative evaluation test (to assess knowledge enhancement on continuous basis for each subject separately.
2.      To improve Teaching and learning processes that best reflect the current and future requirements of profession at UG levels.

Providing a workshop/ training on the following technologies.

1.      Microsoft’s Technologies

2.      Networking protocols

3.      Cloud Computing

4.      Data Warehousing

5.      Machine Learning & Data Science

6.      Wireless Communication & Networking

7.      Internet of thing

3.      Enhance industry institute and Alumni Interaction
  • To identify and facilitate at least 7 Gust lectures, Organize 2 Interactive workshops,
  •  2 Seminars, 1 Brain Storming Sessions, 1 Technical Discussions with Participations of industry, outside experts and eminent personalities.
  •  Conduct industrial Training / Industrial visits to benefit at least students and faculty
  •  Invite at least ten professionals from the industries visiting faculty in the institution.
  •  Organize Campus placement fairs to ensure increase 10 % Placement of students every year.
  •  conduct tracer study on pass out students to know progress
  •  Organize Alumni meet once a year.
  •  Invite at least 8 Alumni for interaction with students and create role models.
  • Seek assistance from Alumni for student’s placement
  •  Invite at least two self – employed Alumni for Lectures and Guidance

There are possibilities of losing contact with old Alumni members who shift from one place to another.  In order to maintain contact with such

People, maintenance of social communities like

LinkedIn, Facebook are suited solutions

4.      Accreditation by NAAC*   To get Accreditation by 2023
5.      Get ISO Certifications*  Initiate the process to get ISO 9001:2015 Certification and implement the required processes
6.      Expand ICT enabled infrastructure in all teaching learning areas.*  To make available possible ICT enabled facilities such as LCD Projectors with screens, WI-FI, LAN, virtual classrooms, Smart classrooms, media recording facilities etc.
7.      Enhance sports and cultural facilities.
  •  To provide scope for students to improve fitness through the provision of various sports facilities.
  •  Expand the existing infrastructure to facilitate celebrations of various tadeonal and cultural events.
8.      Expansion of facilities for teaching – learning*   It is proposed to expand the existing facilities for teaching – learning by constructing an extended campus little away from the hustle- bustle of the town.
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