SSR Degree College - Conduct & Behavior
Conduct or Behaviour
The Principal has complete powers and authority for the maintenance of discipline in the college, the principal may impose fine and suspend or expel a student from the college in case of indiscipline or violent behaviours or gross insubordination and violation of college rules and regulations.
A student who is irregular in attendance of the class is liable to Forfeit his claim towards Scholarship & Bus Pass concessions.
The principal may stop or cancel scholarship or any financial aid to student on the grounds of irregularity or indiscipline or indecent behavior.
The student should always carry their identity cards with them and produce them to the authorities when ever demanded.
The students should be on time to the college and attend the classes regularly.
Hall tickets will be issued to the students on clearing all the dues (College fee, Books & Labs).
The principal will generally keep in touch with the parents or guardians of students who are academically backward, and do not regularly attend the classes or pay the fee etc. The students names who found incorrigible even after the warning will be removed from the rolls of the college.
The students are required to maintain silence in the classrooms. They should not stand in the corridors or knock the doors of the classes by which others are distributed.
Bringing outsiders into the college premises without obtaining prior permission from the principal is viewed very seriously.
No student is allowed to organize any political organization within the college premises. Organizing Boycotting of classes and any activity by which peace and tranquility in the college disturbed, will be dealt with severely and students involved encouraging such activities will be expelled from the college.
Ragging in and around the college is strictly prohibited. The students who involve in ragging are not only expelled from the college but also handed over to the police.
This being a Co-Education college any body teasing girls will be expelled from the college, frequent movements of boys and girls together is discouraged.
Educational institutions are the temples of learning. It is expected from the students that they should keep the college clean and neat. Writing on the walls, black boards, desks, or in the toilets is strictly prohibited. Spitting on the walls is indecent behavior. Anybody involving in such is punishable. Pasting on the walls without the permission of the principal is not allowed.